Shapes Shopify Theme: A 360-degree Review & Analysis


You wanna craft a visually stunning and functional shopping experience like never before but don’t know where to start? Shapes Shopify theme comes here to hit the spot!

To show you a comprehensive review of Shapes theme Shopify, we head down there to experience for ourselves rather than take anyone else’s word for it. After testing and experiencing this storefront on the demo websites, we are here to give you the most honest feedback about the design, features, performance, and pros & cons of Shapes.

With that said, let’s get straight to this 360-degree analysis!

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1. A quick glance at Shapes Shopify theme 

As Shopify Experts, Switch team understands this powerful platform inside and out, allowing them to build a theme that goes beyond aesthetics. Then Shopify Shapes theme comes here – a storefront was born for growth, usability, and superior performance.

If you are looking for a theme that can display your products, collections, brand details, and promotions in a really creative way, Shapes will not fall short of your expectations. This theme stands out for dozens of display styles, eye-catching stickers, pretty patterns, content splits, handy product features, and more than that. 

More than just a Shopify theme, Shapes is a completely new website-building tool with a vastly superior visual editor. It can be enjoyed by design professionals and newcomers alike, giving you the power to create spectacular designs with surprising ease and efficiency.

Let’s scroll down and we will tell you why this one’s called Shapes.

Created by
Great for
Visual brand storytelling
Unique features
✨ Quick buy
✨ Age verifier
✨ EU translations (EN, FR, IT, DE, ES)
✨ Promo banners
✨ Recommended products
✨ Animation
✨ High-resolution images
✨ Product filtering and sorting
✨ Enhanced search
52 reviews (100% positive)
Demo store

2. A detailed review of Shapes Shopify theme review: Features & Functionality 

2.1. Design & Layout options

Overall, Shapes Shopify theme focuses on ranking up creativity that demands attention from buyers while showcasing the personality of your brand. When going deeper into 5 pre-made templates of this theme, you will surprisingly realize that each of them can provide you with the diversity and uniqueness of different feels and styles. No matter what your brand identity is, you can find a satisfactory answer among Shapes presents.

Let’s explore the visually appealing Shapes theme with us!

2.1.1. Bold



Bold present, as its name suggests, has a modern and contemporary style. When you surf this demo store of Shapes theme, you will realize that Switch team focuses on using bold colors and playful typography. Especially, sans-serif fonts in all caps are used in varying sizes throughout your Shopify store. All of these design elements play a crucial role in conveying a sense of excitement and a youthful, adventurous spirit. 

If you are in love with a touch of retro inspiration, why don’t you give a chance to this striking and energetic template? We believe it is ready to offer a captivating shopping experience to your customers with a visually appealing and engaging aesthetic.

2.1.2. Neon


Neon present makes the most use of neon hues, such as pink, orange, and purple to create a playful and energetic atmosphere that is visually appealing and attention-grabbing. With the help of negative space and diagonal elements, this present gives us a visually interesting and balanced composition that draws the eye to the key elements of the design. 

Achieved by following core design principles and guidelines as well as using visual patterns, Shapes theme is successful in making interacting with visitors easier and more engaging.

2.1.3. Pastel


The next present in this Shapes Shopify theme review is Pastel. As this name says, what is the brand message that you are looking to convey? If it is a sense of elegance, femininity, or nostalgia, then bingo, Pastel template is designed for you!

By offering a soft, calming, and inviting aesthetic, Shapes theme can help your visitors have a visually pleasing and relaxing experience. The key design elements of this present lie in soft colors, delicate typography, and subtle imagery.  Moreover, if you have a variety of offerings, it can effectively showcase them with additional product images.

And we cannot miss out on the excellent responsiveness of Pastel present. It runs smoothly on all devices, including smaller screens like smartphones.

2.1.4. Muted


No doubt that this preset embodies the perfect combination of minimal design and robust functionality. Muted is a design where pieces are not only presented but celebrated

Unlike the previous templates like Bold or Neon, Muted present stands out with a subdued color palette.  When playing around this demo website, you will immerse yourself deeply in soft tones, pastels, or muted earth colors. This understated template can be a noteworthy partner in your journey to build a calm and sophisticated aesthetic for your store.

If your Shopify store wants to convey a sense of luxury and timeless appeal, for sure we will put Muted template as the top choice.

2.1.5. Playful


Playful template is a strong example of a playful aesthetic that effectively communicates the brand’s message. We can see that it mainly makes use of a bright green background and contrasting white text in the demo store. It will create a visually engaging and energetic aesthetic. 

If you are searching for a powerful way to make the information easy to digest, let this design template tell you. By using playful icons and bullet points effectively, Playful preset can help you highlight the key benefits of the product in an engaging way. In addition, the rounded, sans-serif font contributes to building a friendly and approachable feel for your Shopify store.

2.2. Key Features 

As one of the best Shopify themes, Shapes Shopify theme is a perfect blend of responsive architecture and robust functionality. 

Shapes theme can translate how things function smoothly and establish confidence in visual communication and functional interaction. Let’s take a closer look at the key features of this premium theme with us!

2.2.1. Quick buy


In today’s fast-paced modern world, where everything can be done with just a simple click, online shoppers bypass the cart and checkout process altogether. 

Therefore, a multiple-step shopping journey can not keep your customers engaged. Don’t force them to view the product details page and then add the item to the cart step by step. Why don’t you shorten everything with a Quick buy shortcut for users to instantly initiate the purchase process? With just one click, and that’s all.

Shapes theme allows you to show a Quick buy button on various sections of your store, such as product listings, featured collections, or homepage. This tiny button will reduce the likelihood of users changing their minds or getting distracted during the checkout process.

2.2.2. Recommended products


By displaying recommended products, customers can discover new products more easily. After identifying the most popular items from your store, you can put them front and center in your marketing with Shapes.

Tailored recommendations equal a better shopping experience. The right products showing up at the right time in the right place can conveniently help your customers find their preferred stuff and increase online store sales.

2.2.3. FAQ sections


A FAQ section in product pages can help your customers find answers to commonly asked questions regarding your products, services, and more. It will improve customer satisfaction, reduce support team workload due to frequent inquiries posted, give answers to customers’ queries, and improve their shopping experience.

Shapes theme Shopify provides you with options to customize the style and look of the FAQ section in your Shopify store.

2.2.4. Testimonials

Every new customer would like to read existing customers’ feedback and their recommendations before making a purchase. Real customer testimonials conveying positive emotions can motivate other potential visitors to buy and increase your conversion.

With this testimonial feature from Shapes, you can show your customers testimonials in an elegant and professional way. By showing all possible data about the author of each review, like his or her name, company, and position, you can prove to visitors that they see real reviews written by real clients. 

2.2.5. Enhanced search


Predictable search allows your customers to see the live results instantly as they type their query to find their desired products effortlessly – typing in a keyword or a letter, and the search model does the browsing or the customer. 

This live search feature makes a contribution to instantly transforming browsing into purchasing. Plus, it is compact and can be a good choice for both mobile and desktop layouts.

2.2.6. Promo pop-ups



With perfectly timed popups, Shapes theme keeps your customers engaged with the hottest deals or newest products and collections, or just a simple email asking.

Thanks to its user-friendly interface, this Shopify theme offers you a variety of designs and customizable options to present tailored offers and messages to potential customers easily. You can create eye-catching pop-ups to encourage your customers to take action and increase sales at your fingertips.

2.2.7. Ingredients or nutritional information


By displaying clearly the ingredients of their food, beverage, skincare products, and so on, your product pages will include all the information that customers need. With a neat, clean, but detailed product page filled with transparent ingredients or nutritional information, you can gain the trust of your customers and stand out from competitors.  

It is easy to take advantage of the dedicated Nutritional information block, included with Shapes theme, to show formatted nutritional information on your store’s product pages.

2.2.8. Age verification


If you are selling age-restricted products such as lottery tickets, alcohol, or tobacco, Shapes theme will be an ideal choice. It can add a professional age verification screen that can appear when the customer enters your website and before they checkout. 

This kind of popup helps you to meet the law and avoid the potential problems related to underage access. With no need to mess with complicated code or wait for a professional developer, you can create ​​interactive, optimized, and mobile-responsive age gate popups within Shapes.

2.3. Performance & Speed

To have an overview of the performance and speed of Shapes theme, we randomly tested several Shopify websites that are using this theme. 

Please keep in mind that there are various factors that can affect your loading speed, especially when these real Shopify stores are installing and setting up other third-party apps. However, after a thorough testing on Google PageSpeed Insights, we saw that Shapes theme is doing great in optimizing performance and speed. 

Most of these Shapes Shopify theme examples can pass all Google Core Web Vitals assessments on both mobile and desktop. Also, we can access them smoothly without friction or lagging. 


2.4. Pricing

Shapes theme Shopify is at $360 for a one-time charge, and you just need to pay if you publish.


In other words, you have unlimited free trials that allow you to try the theme for free with your own products, brand colors, and customizations. 

This number is not a small one, yes, we agree. Therefore, although $360 looks like a good deal when you can enjoy unlimited perks like free support, an ultimate free trial, comprehensive video tutorials and documentation, and regular free updates, you still need to research and consider carefully.

(*) Pro tip: As we mentioned, Shapes theme, like all other Shopify themes, allows a free download to experience its demo beforehand. So don’t hesitate to give it a try!

2.5. User review & rating

As of October 2024, Shapes Shopify theme just got 50+ reviews (yes we know, not really much). But what really makes us impressed is its 100% positive feedback. 



Many Shopify merchants mention the well-built and eye-catching design elements and out-of-the-box features of Shapes in their reviews. In addition, the outstanding customer support deserves to give a shout-out because they promptly address any questions or issues with their expertise and dedication.

2.6. Pros & cons

✅ Easy-to-set-up nature
✅ Unique visual with a wide range of design customization 
✅ High-performing architecture
✅ Conversion-focused features
✅ Excellent customer services
❌ High price point

3.  Shopify brands using shapes theme: Real-world examples 

3.1. Textile & Twine

Textile & Twine is an online store where you can find the best kitchen aprons, towels, and accessories at affordable prices. With the help of creative sections and banners of Shapes theme, Textile & Twine brings a clean, modern, yet fun feeling into everyday items they sell around your home.



3.2. Fody Foods

Another Shopify store using Shapes theme is Fody Foods, a brand of healthy, low FODMAP, and gut-friendly food products and recipes. 

With interactive icons and sections, Shapes theme allows this website to highlight its advantages and position them favorably on the Homepage. Fody Foods can tell about unique selling propositions, quality standards, worldwide shipping, customer reviews, and more.


3.3. Marco Ice Cream

As a global brand for ice cream enthusiasts, Marco makes the most use of Shapes theme Shopify to build a bright, inviting, colorful, and engaging website that can take your taste buds on a culinary adventure via the internet.

In addition, the ingredients & nutritional information feature of Shapes theme helps them highlight the finest ingredients and time-tested recipes that they use to create delicious and unique flavors.  



3.4. Dalmatian

Dalmatian is a Shopify website of cute pimple patches, and no one can deny that Shapes theme is the best choice to create a visually appealing and enjoyable experience for this brand with a clean layout, bright colors, and engaging imagery.

In addition, Dalmatian uses small trust badges like “Cute,” “Vegan,” “Cruelty-free,” “Paraben-free,” and “Derm-approved” on product pages to provide a quick and easy way for customers to understand the key attributes of the product. They are visually appealing and can be easily recognized, even at a glance.


4. Our verdict about Shapes Shopify theme

To sum up, Shapes Shopify theme is tailored for brands that demand excellence. It ensures your brand and products aren’t just seen, but truly experienced: creative pre-made templates, immersive full screen product details, handy product features, versatile layouts, interactive stickers, patterns & dividers, and sharp visuals at any resolution spotlight your best.

Although it is a premium Shopify theme, we believe that if you give it a chance to experience this storefront, it will not let you down. 

With 5 intuitive presets with utmost ease and professionalism, Shapes theme is on the favorite list of many Shopify merchants from different industries. From our perspective view, this theme will be the best choice for:

  • Shopify brands looking for creative and engaging design
  • Shopify websites that prioritize fast-loading speed
  • Shopify store owners that looking for excellent customer support
  • Age-restricted products such as lottery tickets, alcohol, or tobacco

5. The last words

In conclusion, we hope that this comprehensive and detailed review can bring you more helpful information about Shapes Shopify theme, from its key features to the inspiring real-world examples of this theme. 

If you still have any doubts about it or just want to share your eCommerce experience with Shopify themes, feel free to contact eComStart. We are all ears for you!

6. FAQs


Finn Nguyen is an eCommerce Expert specializing in Shopify, with a passion for guiding new business owners. With over 5 years of experience in the eCommerce industry, Finn has helped many new business owners from launching their first online store to achieving thriving sale. See his LinkedIn here

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