150+ Catchy Hair Business Name Ideas


This is our blog on catchy hair business name ideas for 2024. Starting your hair business begins with picking the right name. All about making it just right and getting noticed in a crowded market.

Here we’ve rounded up a collection of fun and clever name ideas for hair business that are both memorable and reflect your brand. So if you’re only beginning or are thinking about rebranding, join in as we explore these inspiring name ideas. Time to put your creativity on fire and raise your business to the next level in 2024!

1. 150+ catchy hair business name ideas to inspire you (2024)

A name for hair business is very important. Marketing Mag suggests that your business name is not just a name: it’s the creation of your reputation and determines how much money you earn.



Let’s have fun coming up with all kinds of slightly different but very inspired hair business name ideas.

1.1. Unique hair business names

Unusual names are different, catch your attention, and can be a powerful marketing weapon. Here’s a selection of one-word, two-word, and three-word unique name ideas for hair business:

AuroraAqua TressesChroma Lock Studio
CascadeBloom LocksLuxe Strand Lounge
DazzleCurl HarmonyOpulent Curls Haven
EclipseDewy StrandsPrism Roots Hub
FinesseEclipse CoiffureRadiance Lock Salon
GlistenFloral FringesShear Glam Haircraft
HarmonyGlowing CurlsStrand Sculpt Atelier
IvoryHarmony HairsTress Trove Den
JewelIvory TressesVelvet Wave Lounge
KaleidoscopeJade LocksZenith Tress Loft

The advantage of unique hair business names is that they tend to be easier to trademark. They can also make your hair biz feel more special, and as if it has a character all its own.

1.2. Catchy Hair Business Name Ideas

Spending some thought on a catchy name helps your shop become more popular and easier to remember. Let’s look at some catchy hair business name ideas:

BraidifyAzure TressesBounce and Shine
CurluxeBraid BlissCurl Cult Creations
FrizzdomCharm CurlsGloss and Glamour
GlossifyGloss GlamourLush Locks Lounge
HairvanaLush LocksMane Magic Marvel
LockologyRadiant RapunzelsRadiant Rapunzel Retreat
ManevogueShear ShimmerStylish Scissor Studio
ShearshineSilky StrandsTress Transformation Temple
TressifyVelvet VogueVivid Vanity Vortex
VelvethairWavy WondersWhimsical Waves Workshop

Hair brand name ideas are something that sticks in people’s minds, making it easier for customers to remember you and your business.

1.3. Cute Hair Business Name Ideas



Cute names are adorable and likely to gain favor with everyone. Here are some cute hair business names:

Friendly human name ideas for hair businesses imply a good image and can win over customers looking to have their usual warm place to visit.

ChignonBouffant ButterflyAdorn Locks Love
FrisetteDazzle DreadsBlissful Braids Boutique
GlimmerFringe FairyCharm Curls Cottage
LushlocksGlossy GlazeDarling Tress Haven
PonytailLavish LocksEnchanting Mane Moments
RingletMane MariposaFrizz-Free Fables
SheenPixie PearlGraceful Strand Stories
TressSilky SwirlLush Locket Lounge
VelvetineTress TwirlRadiant Ringlet Retreat
WhirlcurlVivid VelvetVelvet Curl Nook

1.4. Creative Hair Brand Name Ideas

AesthetilockBeauty LocksAllure and Grace
BraidbloomStyle SavvyCrowned Coiffure Studio
CurlcanvasLuxe TressesDivine Hair Salon
DrapedreamGlam GaloreEnchanting Locks Lounge
EpictressChic StrandsGlamorous Mane Makeover
FringefantasyMane MagicMajestic Tresses Boutique
GlossgardenTrendy TressesOpulent Hair Spa
HairharmonyHair HavenRadiant Beauty Studio
InnovastrandFashion FlairStylish Strands Salon
JeweljubileeElite CurlsTrendsetting Hair Emporium

Creative name ideas for hair business not only attract attention, but they also tell the world what your brand is about. They’re funny, they stick in your mind, and yet they can give clients an insight into what to expect as soon as you walk through the door.

1.5. Business Name Ideas for Hair Accessories

Cute and catchy hair business names won’t take long to capture customers, as it gives them a hint that the products you offer are beautiful (using pretty cool merchandise) in style. Thus, choosing the perfect name for hair accessories business can further emphasize the elegance and appeal of your merchandise, making it memorable for your audience.

360HairHair MuseWear My Hair
HeadsweetsLovely LocksTiara and Twigs
StylzyyHead BlingPipe and Curl
HeartlocksJolie TressLove and Locks
L’AccessoriesHair GleeBuds and Bows
LampshadeClassic ClipsUpdos and Dos
HairiHybrid HairCrown and Curls
HairdazzleGraceful GlamPowder and Pins
melodyhairsHair ArtFeathers and Furs
ladyhatsRoxie RibbonsCurls and Co

1.6. Hair Extensions Business Name Ideas

Good hair extensions business name ideas convey the power to transform. The right name will remind people of plush, voluminous hair that exudes confidence and takes in new customers who want to look better.

IluvhairMade2Be LongHooked and Braided
XtensionsEverlasting ExtensionsMy Hair X
HairextaLivin HairPunk and Ponytails
HaarloopsGlitzy GlamMy Luscious Locks
XtraxBeauty BraidzMy Hair Lover
LadylocksElegant WeaveExtensions Of You
SWITCHtailsExtend MeExtend My Hair
CurlzbySpectrum BraideryConnect My Hair
GlamexHair FanaticNew Hair Day
AddonRoxie RibbonsMade Of Hair

✨ Explore more about the hair industry through the articles provided below:

2. Things to avoid when choosing a name for your hair business

When choosing catchy hair business name ideas, there are certain pitfalls you should steer clear of. This is an important step in setting your brand up for success.

Firstly, remember to avoid using complex or hard-to-spell names. Simpler and more direct your name, easier for customers to remember and talk about. You seek a name that sounds easy on the ear and stays fresh in someone’s mind.

 a-hairstylist-is-working-on-a-clients-hair-brand name-ideas


Secondly, refrain from names that are vague or formal. The name of your business is a representation of the face and image you want to give it. It must represent what makes your services or goods different and better than those offered by others in the market. For example, if you are offering an elegant, luxury accessories, some classy names for hair business like “Elegant Tresses” or “Sophistique Hair” might be a perfect fit for your store.

Finally, do not hurry the naming. So although it’s tempting to be in a hurry and rapidly decide on something, you need to take your time. Come up with more than one business name idea candidate, get comments from people around you on the names, and make sure that they aren’t in use by other companies or already trademarked.

If you can prevent those common pitfalls, you can find name names for your small business that speak directly to the people they are aimed at.  That’s how a good start is set up on this challenging road of self-employment: with name ideas for small businesses rife with promise. 

Choosing the catchy hair business name is an important step towards success. Above all, remember that catchy and unique hair business name ideas are just one step of what you need to get your head above the crowd.

Ecomstart is all about helping entrepreneurs like you to succeed. eComStart.io knows that naming your business is no simple matter and finding the right one for you can take time, but with a little effort, we bet you’ll end up 10 fingers strong about what to name yourself.

Finding the perfect hair business name can be the jump-start your brand needs in 2024. Think carefully and decide correctly. Your future customers are waiting!



Finn Nguyen is an eCommerce Expert specializing in Shopify, with a passion for guiding new business owners. With over 5 years of experience in the eCommerce industry, Finn has helped many new business owners from launching their first online store to achieving thriving sales.

Check out his LinkedIn and eComStart on Shopify Community