150+ Cool Electrical Business Name Ideas to inspire you  [2024]


Do you want electrical business name ideas for an electrical company to excite your new business? You’re in the right spot! We know how important the right name can be. It helps make your company special, draws in customers, and makes you different from others.

We made a list of more than 150 cool names to help you, including electrical shop name ideas if you are starting a shop. Some of these name could even rank among the top electrical company names in this industry.

This blog post wants to help you with picking good names. So, if you’re starting a new business or changing the look of an old one, these ideas might be what you need to start. Let’s begin right away and start looking around!

1. 150+ electrical business name ideas list for your brand (2024)



As we go forward looking for the perfect electrical business name ideas, it’s really important to think about some fun electronics business ideas. These thoughts can be about making smartphones, putting together gaming computers, creating batteries, and running online businesses for electronics. They not only give a special view but can also motivate you to think of interesting names for your business.

We’ve split these names into categories like funny, unique, clever, catchy, and cool electric business names. Each type has its appeal and can assist in establishing the mood for your company.

1.1. Funny Electrical Company Names

Using humor in your business name can make it easy to remember and likable for customers. Here are some funny electrical company names that could spark your interest:

1 Word2 Words3 Words
AmpedUpAmp AvengersAmped & Hammered
CircuitCircusBolt BuffoonsBright Sparks Inc.
ElectriCity Cable ClownsDimmer Dilemma Doctors
JouleJokersConductor ChucklesFault Line Fabulous
OhmMyGodCurrent ComediansGoodbye to Darkness
PowerPunsElectron EntertainersHertz So Good
ShockBustersFuse FunniesOhm My Goodness
SparkSquadGrid GigglesShockingly Good Service
VoltVoyagersInsulator ImpsSparks & Swagger
WattsonJoule JestersWatt’s the Problem?

Remember, humor can be subjective. The goal is to make people happy, not confuse or upset them.

1.2. Unique Electrical Company Names

If you want to be different from others, then having unique electrical company names is the best choice. Being different can make your brand stand out and interesting.

1 Word2 Words3 Words
AmplifyBeacon BuildersCircuit Symphony Conductors
BrightboltCircuit SymphonyHertz Harmonizer Haven
ConduitFaultline FixersKilowatt Kaleidoscope Crafters
CurrentryHertz HarmonicsLightning Lane Electricians
DazzlevoltKilowatt Kaleidoscope Outlet Odyssey Outfitters
EnergizeLightning LanternsPlug & Play 
FissureMeter MendersPower Playbook Prophets 
GlimmercraftOhm OdysseySurge Sculptors Guild
JoulejumpOutlet OasisTesla Tech Tamer
KilotrapPower PlaywrightsVoltage Voyagers Unlimited

Being special gets people’s attention, but make sure it matches what your business stands for and wants to do.

💡Tip: Once you have a good name for your business, it’s time to think about setting up a real-deal store! We recommend you to find some inspiration by discovering the list of Shopify electronics stores that are successful and become prime examples for new entrepreneur to learn from.

1.3. Clever Electrical Company Names



A good name can show that your business is smart and careful. Here are some clever electrical company names to inspire you:

1 Word2 Words3 Words
BrillianceAmp SphereBrilliance Circuit Solutions
CurrentryBolt VistaCurrent Conundrum Craft
EdisonateCircuit CharmDynamo Thought Network
FissurefixDynamo VogueElectra Minds Spark 
KilowattcraftElectra MingleGenius Grid Strategies
LumencraftFuse FlairIlluminare Insightful Power
OhmnipotentGrid GlowJoule Jigsaw Solutions
PhotonicJolt JiveKinetic Intelligence Energize
QuirklightKinetic KudosLumos Logic Loom
QuickblitzOhm OpulenceOhm Oracle Innovations

Clever names can be fun to think about and stay in your mind.

1.4. Catchy Electrical Company Names

An easy-to-remember name is catchy and simple to say. Consider these catchy electrical company names:

1 Word2 Words3 Words
BoltifyAmp FusionAmp Nova Power
CircuifyBolt SyncBolt Beam Energy
DynamozaCircuit SwiftCircuit Pulse Innovate
ElectrafyDynamo RiseDynamo Era Electric
JoulezElectra GlideElectra Rise Power
KinetaFlux FlowFlux Flare Smart
QuantifyGrid PulseGrid Sync Energy
SparkifyOhm WaveJolt Wave Power
ZenizaQuantum SwayKinetic Sway Circuit
ZingifyZap RippleZenith Pulse Electric

💡 Have the perfect name for your electrical business? Turn it into a thriving online store with our prebuilt Shopify stores for sale. Fully equipped and hassle-free, they let you focus on powering up your brand. Start selling electrical products today!

1.5. Cool Electrical Company Names

If you want your business to exude a modern, trendy vibe, cool electrical company names might be your best bet:

1 Word2 Words3 Words
DynafluxAmp AscendAmp Ascend Alliance
ElectrixoBolt BoostBolt Boost Brigade
JoltronCircuit CypherCircuit Cypher Crew
KinexaDynamo DriftDynamo Drift Dynamics
OhmixElectron EdgeElectron Edge Ensemble
PulsetronGrid GrooveFuse Flux Federation
QuantexHertz HorizonGrid Groove Guild
RadiexInsulator IgniteHertz Horizon Haven
SparkifyKilowatt KickInsulator Ignite Initiative
WattifyMagnet MomentumJoule Jump Junction

Cool names can make your business look more attractive to young people.

These electrical company name ideas list should help you think and pick a brand name that also connects with your audience.

Remember, good electrical business names are the first thing customers see or think about your company. Ensure it’s a good one. Happy naming!

2. Examples of unique electrical business name ideas

Let’s look at some special electrical business name ideas that are getting attention in 2024. Names such as “Absolute Power Electric”, “Circuit Circus”, and “Megawatt Electric Company” are not only easy to remember. They smartly tell people about their business too.



  • “Absolute Power Electric” implies a strong and dependable service, showing power and confidence. It’s a good name for a business selling powerful electric solutions.
  • “Circuit Circus”, on the other hand, makes it fun. It gives customers a good experience when they deal with hard electrical problems without stress.
  • “Megawatt Electric Company” sounds big and powerful. This is a good choice if your business works on big projects or provides electrical services in high demand.

These electrical shop name ideas are all very imaginative, connected to the field of electricity, and easy to understand. They are great examples when you’re thinking of electrical business names.

In the end, your business name is a strong tool that can make people interested and bring customers in. This electrical company name ideas list for 2024 should help your imagination get started. Don’t forget, the best name should be one-of-a-kind, fit for what you do, and easy to keep in mind. It should also match your services perfectly. Including the best name of electrical shop can make your brand resonate with your audience.

For more ideas to get you going, check out our big list of business name ideas at Ecomstart. We’re here to assist you with every part of your business journey. Thank you for coming. We wish you the best in finding a perfect name for your business!

Go back to eComStart.io main page for more helpful stuff and tips. Happy naming!


Finn Nguyen is an eCommerce Expert specializing in Shopify, with a passion for guiding new business owners. With over 5 years of experience in the eCommerce industry, Finn has helped many new business owners from launching their first online store to achieving thriving sales.

Check out his LinkedIn and eComStart on Shopify Community